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Born on May 17 {Protected birth details.}

The Birth Chart


















Ascendant: Leo

Sun: Taurus in the Tenth House

Moon: Virgo in the Second House

Mercury: Taurus in the Ninth House

Venus: Gemini in the Tenth House

Mars: Virgo in the Second House


Jupiter: Aquarius in the Sixth House

Saturn: Aries in the Ninth House


Uranus: Aquarius in the Sixth House (Rx)

Neptune: Capricorn in the Sixth House (Rx)

Pluto: Sagittarius in the Fourth House (Rx)


Vesta: Aries in the Eight House

Chiron: Libra in the Third House (Rx)

Eris: Aries in the Ninth House


North Node: Virgo in the Second House

South Node: Pisces in the Eight House


Midheaven: Taurus


Hygeia: Taurus in the Tenth House


Part of Fortune: Sagittarius in the Fifth House


Life Path  3

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