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Cece Lupin♉


Born on April 22, 1998 at  05:05 am in Great Britain.

The Birth Chart


















Ascendant: Aries

Sun: Taurus in the First House

Moon: Pisces in the Twelfth House

Mercury: Aries in the First House

Venus: Pisces in the Twelfth House

Mars: Taurus in the First House


Jupiter: Pisces in the Twelfth House

Saturn: Aries in the First House


Uranus: Aquarius in the Eleventh House

Neptune: Aquarius in the Eleventh House

Pluto: Sagittarius in the Eight House (Rx)


Vesta: Taurus in the Second House

Chiron: Scorpio in the Seventh House (Rx)

Eris: Aries in the First House


North Node: Virgo in the Sixth House

South Node: Pisces in the Twelfth House


Midheaven: Capricorn


Hygeia: Gemini in the Third House


Part of Fortune: Gemini in the Second House



"Sorry I will never know her... but she will know why I died and I hope she will understand I was trying to make a world in which she could live a happier life."


Life Path  8

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