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Bellatrix Lestrange


Born on September 21, 1951 at  16:45 pm in Great Britain.

The Birth Chart


















Ascendant: Capricorn

Sun: Virgo in the Eight House

Moon: Gemini in the Fourth House

Mercury: Virgo in the Seventh House

Venus: Virgo in the Seventh House (Rx)

Mars: Leo in the Seventh House


Jupiter: Aries in the Second House

Saturn: Libra in the Eight House


Uranus: Cancer in the Sixth House

Neptune: Libra in the Eight House

Pluto: Leo in the Seventh House


Vesta: Leo in the Seventh House

Chiron: Sagittarius in the Eleventh House

Eris: Aries in the Second House (Rx)


North Node: Pisces in the First House

South Node: Virgo in the Seventh House


Midheaven: Scorpio


Hygeia: Pisces in the First House (Rx)


Part of Fortune: Libra in the Eight House

Biography & Personality Traits


"She definitely has a personality disorder."


Bellatrix was an intensely sadistic witch with brutal, violent tendencies. She was highly intelligent, but could be easily distracted, and had a fierce and dangerous temper, a trait that she shared with her cousin Sirius and her aunt Walburga.


Bellatrix was slavishly devoted to Lord Voldemort, believing that she proved her loyalty by her time in Azkaban. Harry Potter noted that Bellatrix was as "mad as her master." Bellatrix was extremely narcissistic and imperiously arrogant. She was obsessed with blood purity and took immense pride in the aristocracy and pure blood of her family. Bellatrix was a natural leader and took charge in tricky situations. She also took no unnecessary prisoners, preferring to kill them instead. Despite her cruel personality, Bellatrix was not incapable of feeling affection for others and appeared to care about her younger sister Narcissa.


She also seemed to show affection for her nephew, Draco Malfoy, even teaching him some rare magical abilities. She was also obsessively in love with her master, Lord Voldemort, though he did not return her feelings.


Bellatrix came from the pure-blood Black family, and as such she was given a rich lifestyle. Bellatrix attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Slytherin House. She eventually married Rodolphus Lestrange, a fellow wealthy pure-blood and Slytherin. Although they would later work together well in their service to Lord Voldemort, the marriage appeared to be nothing more than an obligatory fulfillment of her family's pure-blood marriage traditions. Bellatrix displayed no affection for her husband whatsoever, never even mentioning him in conversations.


At the end of the First Wizarding War Bellatrix, Rodolphus Lestrange (husband), Rabastan Lestrange (brother-in-law), and Barty Crouch Jr. took part in the torture of Aurors Frank and Alice Longbottom to the point of driving them insane, while searching for information on Lord Voldemort after his first downfall. They were caught and sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban for torturing the two Aurors.


Bellatrix escaped from Azkaban in the 1996 mass break-out, along with nine other Death Eaters. During the final battle she was the last Death Eater standing, but was eventually killed in a duel by Molly Weasley.


Bellatrix Lestrange was an extremely powerful and dangerous witch. She was a mistress of the Dark Arts, an incredibly skilful duellist, and an Occlumens. Her prodigious duelling skill was proven by her many victories over numerous talented wizards and witches, including experienced Aurors. At certain points she seemed mentally unbalanced; for instance, she once killed a fox because she was paranoid it might be an Auror in disguise.


Bellatrix was obsessed with Voldemort. Unlike many of the other Death Eaters, Bellatrix never attempted to deny her loyalties when Voldemort fell in 1981. Instead she proudly claimed that she was his most loyal and trusted servant and that he would rise again. She is described as being slavishly devoted to her master, regarding him with "worshipful fascination" and speaking to him in a romantic way, as if to a lover, showing that she even had sexual attraction to him.


On at least one occasion, during the 1997 meeting of Death Eaters at Malfoy Manor, her cheeks flushed and her eyes welled up with tears when she thought he was praising her. He respected her talents and skills, and apparently considered her of greater importance than most of his other servants.


Life Path  1

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