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Clara Oswald


Born on November 23, 1986 at  08:30 am in Blackpool, England.

The Birth Chart


















Ascendant: Sagittarius

Sun: Saggy/Scorpio cusp in the Twelfth House

Moon: Leo in the Eight House

Mercury: Scorpio in the Eleventh House

Venus: Scorpio in the Eleventh House (Rx)

Mars: Aquarius in the Second House


Jupiter: Pisces in the Third House

Saturn: Sagittarius in the First House


Uranus: Sagittarius in the First House

Neptune: Capricorn in the First House

Pluto: Scorpio in the Eleventh House


Vesta: Aries in the Third House

Chiron: Gemini in the Seventh House (Rx)

Eris: Aries in the Fourth House (Rx)


North Node: Aries in the Fourth House

South Node: Libra in the Tenth House


Midheaven: Libra


Hygeia: Cancer in the Seventh House (Rx)


Part of Fortune: Leo in the Eight House

About Clara Oswald

Clara Oswald was a companion to the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors. According to the former, she was "not possible" due to their meetings previously in his personal timeline, with two such encounters seeing her die. Though assured by the empathic psychic Emma Grayling and the TARDIS scanner that Clara was just an "ordinary girl", the Doctor couldn't believe that to be true and thought her to be "the only mystery worth solving".

While a physically ordinary human woman from the 21st century, Clara chose to enter the Doctor's timeline in his tomb on Trenzalore in order to try to reverse the damage done to his timeline by the Great Intelligence. This caused the time winds to shatter her into millions of what River Song referred to as "echos" that were dispersed throughout his personal timeline. These echos corrected the damage caused by the Great Intelligence, but were not the original Clara. She was trapped in the Doctor's timeline, but rescued shortly there after.


Clara was a very feisty, brave, clever and warm-hearted woman with a sharp wit and a thirst for adventure. During her first encounter with the Doctor from her point of view, she was somewhat reserved and didn't reveal her true feelings easily. Clara was also quite cautious at first and was unsure what to make of the Doctor's 'bizarre' personality. Clara was flirtatious, but during her first adventure with the Doctor she seemed to react to situations rather than initiate them, unlike her other more proactive incarnations. Clara was also described to being a 'control-freak' on various occasions.


Clara had a great strength of character and was very brave and selfless, even more so than the Doctor at times. She was easily willing to give up things extremely important in order to save people she hardly knew. Clara's selfless and loyal nature led her to make a huge sacrifice for the Doctor by jumping into his time stream to save him from the wrath of the Great Intelligence.


Clara was also very caring and compassionate. She felt genuinely sorry for the Ice Warrior Skaldak when she was told about the death of his daughter and later managed to convince him not to destroy the Earth by reminding him of how many daughters he would kill. She was also disgusted by Winifred Gillyflower's abuse of her daughter, Ada and comforted Porridge when he said he felt like a monster. She also assured Robin Hood that he would be reunited with his love, an instinct that turned out to be correct.

Clara was willing to stand up to people to defend her rights and disliked being seen as anything less than a person. When the Doctor later revealed that she reminded him of a "friend" who had died (actually the Victorian-era version of Clara herself), Clara told him that she would be happy to travel with him, but not if she were viewed as a ghost of someone else.


When alone, Clara would sometimes talk to herself. Her curiosity even led her to learn the Doctor's true name, although she forgot it when the Doctor rewrote time. When left in charge of a group of soldiers by the Doctor, Clara showed that she was a natural leader, adapting to the situation very quickly and keeping the soldiers in line.


Clara met fellow school teacher Danny Pink, whom she fell in love with. However, she lost him to a car accident despite her best efforts to bring him back. Despite her compassion and strong morals, her travels with the Doctor changed her, numbing her in a way to the requirements and challenges of a normal human life, such as when she declared Danny's death to be boring. The Twelfth Doctor, claiming that Clara wasn't aware of this, pointed out that she was "definitely" starting to think like him.


Clara once walked past the tombstone of her 19th century self, which had been overgrown.


Life Path  22/4

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